Gum Related Therapy


in Hyderabad
  • Highly sterilisation protocol
  • Instruments autoclaved with world class B autoclave
  • Minimal pain or sensitivity
  • Highly efficient cleaning with advanced technology

Gum Related Therapy

Gum is the soft tissue which surrounds the teeth.Gum disease is one of the most commonly seen dental problems. Gum disease is the inflammation of gum tissue which when untreated progress to the underlying bone & fibres supporting the teeth, resulting in loosening/loss of teeth.

Commonly seen conditions are

  1. Gingivitis
  2. Periodontitis
  3. Advanced periodontitis


Bacteria in plaque when not removed infects gums resulting in gum disease. Normal brushing & flossing aids in removal of plaque but not calculus (i.e tartar).Calculus/ tartar has to be removed by dental professional only.

Risk factors for Periodontal Disease

  • Poor Oral Hygiene
  • Chronic smoking and alcohol intake
  • Diabetes
  • Genetic Susceptibility
  • Certain Medications

Signs & Symptoms

  • Bleeding gums that bleed easily on brushing, flossing & even on biting an apple
  • Swollen, red tender gums
  • Bad breath in the mouth
  • Teeth sensitivity to both cold & hot foods
  • Teeth progressively become loose
  • Gum recession i.e. gums move away from the tooth exposing root surface causing sensitivity

Treatment Procedures

  • Gingivitis-oral prophylaxis/scaling
  • Early periodontitis-oral prophylaxis/deep scaling+curettage
  • Advanced periodontitis –flap surgery+scaling and root planing
  • Advanced periodontitis with bone destruction-flap surgery +scaling and rootplaning +bone grafts


Flap surgery is indicated in Advanced Periodontitis. Here an incision is made over gum contour and access to the root surface is gained by flap elevation. The infected tissue is removed by scaling and curettage. Later the root surface is smoothened to avoid future bacterial invasion and gum is sutured back. In this process, if any bony defects are evident, bone grafts are indicated. Flap surgery can be done either by conventional surgical methods or by using lasers.


In this revolutionalised era of technology, with advent of lasers in dentistry the surgical procedures have become more easier and convenient. Unlike conventional methods where an incision is made with asurgical knife, laser uses a ray of amplified light to make an incision and destroy the periodontal pathogens.


  • Relatively bloodless surgical procedure
  • Minimal swelling and scarring
  • No requirement of sutures
  • Little mechanical trauma
  • Reduced surgical time
  • Decreased post surgical pain
  • High patient acceptance
  • Faster wound healing


Simple brushing & flossing of teeth & using mouth rinse would be sufficient to maintain gums in healthy state.The bacteria in the plaque get killed by these procedures & therefore we can protect gums from gum diseases.


The sticky adhesive plaque which develops on the teeth surfaces if not cleaned properly through regular methods like brushing & flossing, plaque develops into tartar which in turns provides rough surface for accumulation of plaque. If this process of plaque & tartar(calculus)accumulation continues to grow on the tooth surface, slowly the bacteria in the plaque infects the gum tissue that surrounds the tooth resulting in inflammation of gums giving it red, swollen appearance. The gums even become tender & bleed even on brushing. This condition of gums is referred to as “Gingivitis”. At this stage of Gingitivitis, if the teeth are cleaned by a dental professional the condition of gums can be reversed.

If the plaque & tartar (calculus) is not removed at this stage, bacteria in the plaque /tartar (calculus) invades the periodontal tissues of teeth i.e. supporting soft tissue fibres around the teeth resulting in formation of pocket around the teeth, which further attracts bacteria to infect. Here we can notice pus in between tooth which we can appreciate on pressuring gums. Moreover red, swollen, bleeding gums accompany this situation. These conditions together referred to as Periondontitis. In this stage of Periodontitis, Periodontal therapy performed by dentist along with patient personal hygiene could help to sort out this problem of periodontitis.

At the stage of periodontitis even if patient neglects to get the treatment done for gums, the bacteria in the plaque & calculus (tartar)infects the underlying bone along with periodontal tissues resulting in loosening of teeth. This condition where bacteria infect bone & periodontal tissues is referred to as “Advanced Periodontitis”. In this stage patient will experience difficulty in biting & chewing food even. The appropriate treatment for this condition includes some surgical correction of periodontal tissue, with periodic dental cleaning & patient personal hygiene. Over this the dentist would to suggest removal of loosened teeth evaluating the bone support present around that particular tooth & also advises the prosthetic replacement methods to replace that tooth.


Listen to our Patient experiences with Dr Sekhar's Dental

  • Totally Pain less Root Canal Treatment Done in a Single Sitting.

    Mrs. Sapna Gupta

    I Came here for my Root Canal Treatment and got the Root Canal Done And also Got an Implant by Dr Sekhar. He is an Amazing Doctor I Brought my Mom also She got Her Root Canal Done and Her Four Teeth Implants We loved the Way they Treated The Staff is so Polite and have so much Experience Good Refer to Everyone who ever i know to come here. Thank you.

  • Very Luxurious Dental Hospital with Helpful Staff & Doctors

    Mr. Djerou Haroune Ahmat

    Good evening i’m here in Dr Sekhar’s Dental Implant Center Just i wanna Thanks them for the lot of Help they did to me All in Two Sitting lot of Difference in my Tooth and Totally Different now Im Feeling Very Healthy in my Tooth and my Gum everything is Good Just i wanna Thank the Doctor and all the Assistant’s here. This Center is Very Nice and Their Handling is Very Luxury.

  • Dr Sekhar Fixed my Broken Front Teeth with Dental Implants.

    Mr. Preetham Reddy

    After i have Lost my Front Teeth i have Searched for a Permanent Solution for an Implant. Through Google i have Found Sekhar’s Dental Implant Center When i came for the first time they have Seen my Case and Went Thoroughly Through the Process and which Implant has to be Chosen The Process took around Two to Three Days Dr ChandraSekhar Treated me Carefully for a Successful Result

  • Thanks to the Doctor Solving my Long Term Dental Problem

    Mr. Srihari Chodagiri

    Sincere Thanks to the Doctor for Helping me Solve a Long Time Pending Dental Problem I live in Oman and i have Suffered some Issue with the Upper Tooth. The Incidentally Referred to this Dr Sekhar in Hyderabad is also the Place that i came from This Doctor is a Very Nice Person he has a Good setup Lab and Facility And the way Treatment has been Done was Very Very Good. I’m so Thankful for the Doctor for Solving the Problem.

  • Very Happy that I Chose Sekhar's Dental for my Dental Implant

    Mr. Santosh

    From past 2-3 years I am facing dental problems, I have visited many hospitals and look treatments but couldn’t find a solution for my problems, Finally I have visited Dr Sekhars Dental Hospital and with in half an hour Dr figured out the problem and did a root canal treatment. Thanks to Dr Chandrasekhar Garu for giving a solution to my dental problems. I will definitely suggest this hospital to my friends and family who are suffering from dental problems.

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