Zirconia crowns are a popular type of tooth coloured crowns. Zirconium crowns allow light to pass as a normal tooth would and that gives a natural look, unlike other metal cores that block the light.
Porcelain is the conventional material used for the new crowns, however Full porcelain can chip or break. This can be overcome by making the crowns from tooth coloured metal, zirconia, then merge the porcelain on the outside. Zirconium crowns allow light to pass as a normal tooth would and that gives a natural look, unlike other metal cores that block the light.
We, in our clinic offers crowns made out of Best Zirconia materials available in the market. Few among those types is Lava / Zenostar / Hight Translucency Multilayered (HTML)/ Translucent Zirconia Crowns.These became more popular in recent times due to its high esthetics. This type of crowns will have a more translucent Zirconia material and is layered by compatible e-max layering. This translucency and shade manipulating options makes these crowns one of the best choice for anterior restorations. Not only regular crowns, Zirconia can be used for Long span bridges, Laminates , Inlays, Post & cores, Implant Crown and Bridges.
These Zirconia Crowns are usually fabricated using CAD/CAM and layered with feldspathic type of porcelain to attain maximum esthetics including shape, form and translucency. This gives zirconia crowns a life like appearance and also near closeness to adjacent natural teeth.
Recently there has emerged a trend of fabrication of full contour Zirconia Crowns called as Monolithic Zirconia Crowns. The entire thickness of the crown is milled from a single block of zirconia, so that no layering is required. These types of crowns are highly recommended in posterior tooth where there is minimal occlusal space available for accommodation of crowns.